We await the ideas, texts, works of art of all! shout! draw! sing! register all of the oppressions that we face, so that together we can put our ideas in the world and plant our seeds of rebellion, action and struggle!

We await the ideas, texts, works of art of all! shout! draw! sing! register all of the oppressions that we face, so that together we can put our ideas in the world and plant our seeds of rebellion, action and struggle!
We don’t have to become one more generation to fall in the trap of mass misinformation and disinterest for the well-being of those different from us. There is still time to use the technological advancements of our century to put an end, once and for all, to some of the most horrific practices we’ve seen throughout human history.
Once again we witnessed with naked eyes the brutal murder of a black man. João Alberto Silveira Freitas was beaten to death by two white security guards, Magno Braz Borges, and Giovane Gaspar da Silva, from the supermarket chain Carrefour (one of them a temporary Military police officer without training). He was dragged out of […]
As years go by, what changed the most was my attitude. I’ve become more confident, sure of myself, emotionally balanced and close to immune to peer pressure. These qualities are often a turn-off for men.
A review of the “The Old Guard” — without spoilers.
During the past few years, social media probably mislead us into thinking the Overton Window had shifted our way. It hasn’t.
This headline should terrify you as if I yelled “GUN!” at the movie theater!
Urgency is not married to panic. To organize in an urgent situation, we must be functional, and panic impedes function. Some people are lashing out at each other for not taking the outbreak seriously, but they can’t communicate what help they need from their community. I’ve been seeing people desperately ask for money, but forget […]
“For the third time this year, torrential rains cause problems for the city of Rio. In February, six people died as a result of heavy storms in the capital of Rio. At carnival, the parades of the samba schools were on the verge of cancellation, because with the thunderstorm on Friday, March 1, Marquês de […]
This year, April Fool’s was celebrated one day too early in Brazil. March 31st was the anniversary of the 1964 coup that kickstarted a 20 year military dictatorship, responsible for the disappearance, murder and torture of countless political figures. It has caused transgenerational trauma in families, not to mention the on-going US stronghold in the […]